Over the summer of 2021, I participated in an NSF-sponsored REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates) at LSU's Center for Computation & Technology, working closely with Dr. Hye Yeon Nam in a research apprenticeship. The name of our project was FarmWear, a wearable plant interface that encourages symbiotic, emotional relationships with food and nature. Along with the physical interface of the wearable, users could also access the FarmWear website, built upon three main functions: designing and customizing their own device, monitoring the health of their FarmWear, and playing with their device. FarmWear's user trials were conducted over a 20 day period, consisting of interviews, surveys, and informational sessions. I mainly assisted with website development, writing documentation, and reviewing user trial materials. This project was my first full exploration of developing user experiences for technology, while also allowing me to engage the physical world in new, introspective ways. The REU program resolved with a presentation before my REU peers and their mentors, which you can watch down below.
Below is my final video presentation for the program, detailing our motivation, progress, and future efforts for the FarmWear project.